Using the Asus MB168B+ with Ubuntu 15.10

The Asus MB168B+ is a very nice portable monitor, and it would be a shame if it weren’t possible to use it with Ubuntu ;)

Download the Ubuntu driver and extract it somewhere.

Open up a terminal, and navigate to that folder. Then launch these commands:

./ --keep --noexec
cd displaylink-driver-1.0.138/

Then type nano to edit the installer file (if you don’t like nano, use your favourite text editor!).

Change this:


  if which lsb_release >/dev/null; then
      local R=$(lsb_release -d -s)
      echo \"Distribution discovered: $R\"
      if [ -z \"${R##Ubuntu 14.*}\" ]; then
      elif [ -z \"${R##Ubuntu 15.04*}\" ]; then
      echo \"WARNING: Unknown distribution, assuming defaults - this may fail.\" >&2

To this:


  if which lsb_release >/dev/null; then
    local R=$(lsb_release -d -s)
    echo \"Distribution discovered: $R\"

And then run:

sudo ./ install

Your monitor should be working now!

p.s. this procedure should work to install the driver in distros other than Ubuntu!

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