By default Yesod does live reloading when editing .hs
files or
Shakespeare template files. When working directly with js or css files this doesn’t happen
and we’re forced to manually reload the browser at every change.
This is a simple setup to improve this behaviour.
The first step is installing browser-sync:
npm i -g browser-sync
Then we can run a server instance with:
browser-sync start --no-open --files="static" --proxy="localhost:3000" --port=4000
I’m making browser-sync watch the static
folder, because that’s
where all my built js and css files end up in.
You might need to change the ports according to your Yesod settings and whether
there’s already some other process using port 4000 (in that case browser-sync tries
with 4001).
Start your server as usual (i.e. stack exec -- yesod devel
) and then you can
visit localhost:4000
, edit some css and see the browser refresh automatically :)
Enabling CORS
Sadly, that’s not enough to make everything work. If you try to trigger any AJAX request, you will see that they probably don’t work because of CORS.
We can fix this by adding wai-cors to
our project’s pacakge.yaml
Then go to src/Application.hs
, we’ll need a few simple edits there:
1) Add the import on top
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
2) Create a CORS middleware
corsWare :: Middleware
corsWare = let
appCorsResourcePolicy =
simpleCorsResourcePolicy { corsMethods = ["OPTIONS", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]
, corsOrigins = Just (["http://localhost:3000", "http://localhost:4000"], True)
, corsRequestHeaders = ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "x-requested-with", "x-xsrf-token"]
in cors (const $ Just appCorsResourcePolicy)
3) Add the middleware to getApplicationDev
, for example:
getApplicationDev :: IO (Settings, Application)
getApplicationDev = do
settings <- getAppSettings
foundation <- makeFoundation settings
startDequeue foundation
startJobSchedule foundation
wsettings <- getDevSettings $ warpSettings foundation
app <- makeApplication foundation
return (wsettings, corsWare app)
AJAX request should start working again. Please be careful with CORS, as it could lead to serious security issues if enabled on a live server.
Reloading everything
My current setup includes building some js and purescript code in a subfolder and using compass to build sass files. I’ve created this simple script to manage all build processes from a single terminal:
trap killgroup SIGINT
echo killing...
kill 0
browser-sync start --no-open --files="static" --proxy="localhost:3000" --port=4000 &
compass watch &
cd purescript; npm run watch &
This allows me to close all three processes with a single CTRL-C
and avoid
having multiple terminals open.
I hope this was useful enough, see you next time!