I’ve just written a small library for myself that could be useful to anyone who’s learning Clojure: Examples.
It prints examples for the function passed as argument, taking them from clojuredocs.org.
The library is on Clojars, so to use it just add the dependecy to your lein project.clj
(defproject ...
:dependencies [[examples \"0.3.0\"]]}
Then add it to your requires:
(:require [examples.core :refer [examples clear-examples-cache])
The usage is pretty simple: just call (examples function)
in your REPL, and you’ll get all the examples printed.
E.g. (examples map)
(map inc [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> (2 3 4 5 6)
;; map can be used with multiple collections. Collections will be consumed
;; and passed to the mapping function in parallel:
(map + [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
;;=> (5 7 9)
;; When map is passed more than one collection, the mapping function will
;; be applied until one of the collections runs out:
(map + [1 2 3] (iterate inc 1))
;;=> (2 4 6)
;; map is often used in conjunction with the # reader macro:
(map #(str \"Hello \" % \"!\" ) [\"Ford\" \"Arthur\" \"Tricia\"])
;;=> (\"Hello Ford!\" \"Hello Arthur!\" \"Hello Tricia!\")
;; A useful idiom to pull \"columns\" out of a collection of collections.
;; Note, it is equivalent to:
;; user=> (map vector [:a :b :c] [:d :e :f] [:g :h :i])
(apply map vector [[:a :b :c]
[:d :e :f]
[:g :h :i]])
;;=> ([:a :d :g] [:b :e :h] [:c :f :i])
;; From http://clojure-examples.appspot.com/clojure.core/map
user=> (map #(vector (first %) (* 2 (second %)))
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
([:a 2] [:b 4] [:c 6])
user=> (into {} *1)
{:a 2, :b 4, :c 6}
Cache can be cleared with (clear-examples-cache [fun])
. If name is omitted, the entire cache will be cleared.
I hope it will useful to someone!