Date types and how to construct them

Date types and how to construct them


Date is exported by purescript-datetime and represents a date in the Gregorian calendar.

data Date = Date Year Month Day

If we already have the Year, Month and Day values, we can construct a Date in two ways (since the constructor is not exported):

  • canonicalDate constructs a valid date from the given values. For example 2016-02-31 will be corrected to 2016-03-02.
myDate :: Date
myDate = canonicalDate myYear myMonth myDay
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = exactDate myYear myMonth myDay

In case we need to build our values from scratch we have to deal with Maybe and we have a few ways to do so, by using (<$>), [(<>)]( and lift3:

myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = lift3 canonicalDate (toEnum 1920) (toEnum 3) (toEnum 10)

-- or:
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = canonicalDate <$> toEnum 1920 <*> toEnum 3 <*> toEnum 10

-- or we can use Maybe's monad instance:
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = do
  y <- toEnum 1920
  m <- toEnum 10
  d <- toEnum 3
  pure $ canonicalDate y m d
-- The same can be done for exactDate, but we need to handle an "extra" Maybe:
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = join $ lift3 exactDate (toEnum 1920) (toEnum 3) (toEnum 10)

-- or:
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = join $ exactDate <$> toEnum 1920 <*> toEnum 3 <*> toEnum 10

-- Much better:
myDate :: Maybe Date
myDate = do
  y <- toEnum 1920
  m <- toEnum 10
  d <- toEnum 3
  exactDate y m d


Year is exported by purescript-datetime

newtype Year = Year Int

The Year constructor is not exported, so the only way we have to build one is to use toEnum

myYear :: Maybe Year
myYear = toEnum 1920


Month is exported by purescript-datetime

data Month
  = January
  | February
  | March
  | April
  | May
  | June
  | July
  | August
  | September
  | October
  | November
  | December

We can construct Months directly, or by using toEnum

myMonth :: Month
myMonth = January

myMaybeMonth :: Maybe Month
myMaybeMonth = toEnum 1 -- ^ 1 is January


Day is exported by purescript-datetime and represents the day of the month (1..31).

newtype Day = Day Int

Since the Day constructor is not exported, we can use toEnum

myDay :: Maybe Day
myDay = toEnum 23


Weekday is exported by purescript-datetime and represents a day of the week in the Gregorian calendar.

data Weekday  
  = Monday
  | Tuesday
  | Wednesday
  | Thursday
  | Friday
  | Saturday
  | Sunday

We can construct Weekdays directly, or by using toEnum

myWeekday :: Weekday
myWeekday = Wednesday

myMaybeWeekday :: Maybe Weekday
myMaybeWeekday = toEnum 3 -- ^ 1 is Monday